Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics- This is the uses of a dance routine by a girl or boy band.
This is shown by the formations and routines the groups learn and perform this is done for different reasons. firstly to highlight a certain person in the group or all of them, another reason is to create attraction or gaze of the people performing.
There is a relationship between lyrics/ Music and visuals- illustrative, amplifying, contradicting.
Illustrative- The music video tells a story through use of the words and the visuals presented.
Amplifying- This is where the music video amplifies the intentions within the song.
Contradicting- This is where they have the video and the words contradicting each other.
The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work- A visual style.
There is a frequently reference to notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body- the use of women as a sex object to get people to watch the video.
There is often intertextual reference- when the music video refers to a film or other piece of media.
In the music video of N's in Paris they use a Will Ferrell film reference as part of the song this was used to make a joke in the song and further notice from just the regular fans of Kanye West and Jay-Z.
The Type/ Style of music video our group is wanting to develop is a video that has meaning and an effect on the viewer, we want to make the words become represented within acting and performing.
Well done Charlie - now add a comment at the bottom about the type/ style of music video you want to make and why.