The Branding Elvis is very strange as he doesn't have a distinctive font that will remind of him when seen, I view this as strange as for such a large artist he could of created his own recognisable font that he could always be remembered for.
Star Image-
The Elvis Star image is represented on the website as the star is in a action shot while preforming in front of a large audience, this creates female gaze as Elvis was seen as a sex icon. It also creates male gaze as many males saw Elvis as the ultimate man and all wanted to be like him with his looks and ability with music.

Tour dates/ Cross Media Promotions-
The Picture above shows the dates for the tours of 'Elvis in concert' this alone represents how large Elvis was and still is as after death he is still selling out arenas all around the world easily, the tour dates above are the only ones for the United Kingdom this shows that the everywhere is still wanting to hear Elvis in anyway they can live.
Who Promoted and Produced Elvis-

Elvis's promoter was a man called Jerry Weintraub who was born in 1937 and sadly died in 2015, he started work in the 1950's and worked all the way to his death, his most famous work was with Elvis and Sinatra. He first convinced elvis in 1970 to do a national tour and this helped to develop Weintraub's career and drive it forward for the rest of hid life.
Social Media Link-
Elvis is still active on most if not all social media platforms as the promotions till need to be presented somewhere that will get attention from the correct fans and people that are interested, the social media can also be used to sell or promote other merchandise which is still being sold.
Biography- A small extract from his Biography 'Born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis Presley came from very humble beginnings and grew up to become one of the biggest names in rock 'n' roll. By the mid-1950s, he appeared on the radio, television and the silver screen. On August 16, 1977, at age 42, he died of heart failure, which was related to his drug addiction. Since his death, Presley has remained one of the world's most popular music icons.'
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