Thursday, 29 September 2016

Research- Shot Types

This list of basic shot types below shows what types of shot we are going to use and how they are going to be utilised. 

Extreme Wide Shots- The extreme wide shot within the music video will be used to show a setting like the train station as there is a lot to be presented and only a extreme wide shot will allow  us to fit all the different aspects to form the correct setting. 

Wide Shots- The wide shot can be used also in the train station setting as the setting will need to be defined into a smaller area like just the characters and a small part of the station. 
Wide shots can also be used as they can allow us to present some one leaving the scene in a more dramatic format, as they can show emotion throughout the journey of leaving the scene.

Medium Shots- The medium shots will be used within the video to show the couple going through all the different emotions within the scenes. The medium shots also starts to let us use more close up mise-en-scene like the clothing that is being used and the colours that are presented using this certain clothes.

Extreme Close Ups/Close Ups- The close ups allows us now to really show the emotion within the actors and also allows them to show what the lyrics represent in actions. The close ups used in our video will mostly be used in the scenes inside a home like a kitchen or bedroom as the most emotive and passionate scenes will occur there.  

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